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Here at OziDesktop compliance is core to our service, at the same time we place strong emphasis on the future of your business and industry because we want you to thrive and succeed. We differ from other accounting practices by going beyond the usual drill of form filling.
Part of our compliance service is to put you on our rigorously managed lodgement timetable to meet your obligations with the ATO and to minimise penalties and interests. Furthermore, we advise you on sound tax strategies to enhance the profitability of your business while reducing your overall tax bill.
Depending on your business and personal circumstance, we regularly update you on ways to minimise your tax liabilities which could include anything from purchasing an equipment before the end of the financial year, take up government benefits or incentive schemes available to you, co-ordinate your business with your personal tax return etc. In other words, we actively seek suitable strategies to reduce your tax rather than just completing the tax return forms and lodging them before the due date.
We also consider asset protection to be of equal importance. As part of the initial engagement meeting here at OziDesktop, we advise you on the most appropriate legal and tax structure for your business which gives you maximum legal protection whilst having the flexibility of adopting various taxation strategies depending on your end of year result.
Generally, it all starts with an initial phone call followed by a site visit at your office or a location of your choice. Many of our clients who are frequently on the road find it convenient to meet at a local cafe close to their job site or simply a video call in the evening after work. Whatever it may be, we are here to accomodate.
Our vision is be your lifestyle accountant. We want to move away from the 9-5 office hour model and be there for you when you need us.
We are flexible with the way you wish to communicate with us. Whether it may be a video chat on Skype or Facetime on your phone, let us know in advance and we will organise the rest.
We are a modern age Tax Agent and we want the entire tax and accounting process to be efficient, simple and convenient.
By default we do not place anything in the mail and all our correspondence are encrypted with attachments (where applicable) in a PDF. Whether it may be a notice from the ATO, the regular BAS or annual tax return, everything is sent via email so they are readily accessible when you need them. Of course, if you prefer to have them printed with a binder, we can certainly accomodate your wish and prepare your package the way you like it.
We encourage signing of declaration pages to be done digitally or signed by hand and scanned back as a PDF.
Preparation and lodgement of Income Tax Returns for Individuals, Sole Traders, Partnerships, Not for Profit Organisations, Companies and Trusts
Preparation and lodgement of Business Activity Statements (BAS) & Instalment Activity Statements (IAS)
Company, Partnership and Trust set up
Preparation of Financial Statements (Balance Sheet/Profit & Loss/Cash Flow Statement)
General advisory on Business Finance
Business Registrations for Australian Business Number (ABN), Goods & Services Tax (GST), Tax File Number, Fuel Tax Credits, Pay As You Go Withholding Tax (PAYG), Payroll Tax, Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT), Wine Equalisation Tax (WET)
Business and Taxation Planning